A Book Review: Your Baby, Your Birth by Hollie de Cruz

A Book Review: Your Baby, Your Birth by Hollie de Cruz

I’ve been interested in hypnobirthing recently, having come across the term a few months ago and then reading ‘Why Hypnobirthing Matters’ by Katrina Berry. While it definitely explained why hypnobirthing matters, why advocacy matters as well, and the link between hypnobirthing and controlling the hormones that affect you during childbirth, I still felt like I had gaps in my understanding of what hypnobirthing actually was. I looked up a few hypnobirthing classes in Melbourne and found that they could largely replace antenatal classes and were more independent of a specific hospital protocol and the timelines and restrictions you are subject to when giving birth in a hospital. 

My fear of hospital lead hypnobirthing classes is that it’s just intended to create good little women who work with their system so they can get you in and out as fast and possible, and avoid having to articulate the many choices a woman has in any given situation. The more I read about hypnobirthing, the more I felt like this is logical and evidence based and is taking women back to what birth should be like rather than the medicalised conveyer belt care we are now guided towards. 

The book Your Baby Your Birth was in some ways an amazing validation of everything I have come to believe about what childbirth should be. A chance to shove a published glossy bound book under my SO’s nose and say look, see, this is real, hypnobirthing is a thing. 

I loved the tools that hollie provides such as the Face Relaxation Script and the Soft Stroking massage technique. I love the hypnobirthing exercises and the tips on how to go about having these important conversations with your partner - things to consider when you decide who your caregivers will be, where you want to give birth and how you want to give birth, who you want around you, and what sort of environment you want around you when you give birth. These are all important factors that affect your mental state when giving birth and therefore the hormones that are rife in your body affecting the physiology of birth. 

I have been reading horror stories about unwanted unconsented episiotomies and its so good to read these good birth stories about how hypnobirthing has prepared these women for labour, and helped them and their partners advocate for their needs and preferences. 

Reading this book has definitely helped me recognise some of my own fears around childbirth, my distrust of the medical system, and my preferences in what I would want in labour. Its brought to light some harsh truths about who I would want around me during labour and for once I am confident to put myself first in terms of what matters to me.

I hope that when my time comes, the use of these positive affirmations, the knowledge I am now equipped with and the support of my partner, I will have the calm, empowering spiritual birth that I want.

Cover Image by <a href="https://pixabay.com/users/kelin-928605/?utm_source=link attribution&amp;utm_medium=referral&amp;utm_campaign=image&amp;utm_content=718146">Madlen Deutschenbaur</a> from <a href="https://pixabay.com/?utm_source=link-attribution&amp;utm_medium=referral&amp;utm_campaign=image&amp;utm_content=718146">Pixabay</a>

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